Wednesday 22 May 2024
Europol Data Protection Experts Network (EU)


In the evolving landscape of law enforcement, the intersection of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and data protection presents a critical juncture. The panel convenes experts from various domains to unravel the complexities of this intersection. From investigations to border security, AI technologies offer unprecedented opportunities to enhance the efficacy of internal security operations. Yet, as these technologies permeate law enforcement practices, safeguarding data protection becomes paramount. With representatives from the EU Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA), the EU anti-racism Coordinator, an esteemed academic from Vrije Universiteit Brussels, and the Head of the Europol Innovation Lab, the panel promises a comprehensive exploration of perspectives. Amidst calls for transparency, accountability, and fairness, the discussion will navigate the ethical terrain while addressing the intricacies of data protection. By examining the delicate balance between leveraging AI for operational efficiency and safeguarding individual privacy rights, the panel seeks to chart a path towards responsible AI integration in law enforcement. Join us as we delve into the nexus of ethics and data protection, forging a future where AI serves as a force for justice, safety, and privacy preservation.

  • How can law enforcement agencies ensure that AI algorithms used in investigative processes are fair, unbiased, and respect fundamental rights, particularly regarding data protection and privacy? 
  • What frameworks and mechanisms can be implemented to promote transparency and accountability in the development, deployment, and use of AI technologies within law enforcement, while simultaneously upholding data protection principles?
  • In what ways can AI be leveraged to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of law enforcement operations without compromising individual privacy rights or exacerbating existing biases and discrimination?
  • What role do stakeholders, including governments, regulatory bodies, civil society organizations, and the private sector, play in shaping policies and guidelines that govern the responsible use of AI in law enforcement, with a focus on ensuring compliance with data protection regulations?


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