THE CALL FOR PANELS IS CLOSED FOR 2024. Please check our contribution (papers/workshops) or sponsorship page for other opportunities!

The annual call for panels is aimed at research organisations (academic consortia, research projects, think tanks and others) as well as organisations from public sector and civil society active in the field. We welcome proposals that address multifaceted ideas around governance in our digital world.

For-profit organisations interested in organising a panel at CPDP or otherwise wishing to support the conference, we kindly ask you to refer to our Sponsorship page or reach out to for further information.‍


  • Notification sent to panel convenors: by 5th January 2024
  • Panel organisation finalised: 23rd  February 2024
  • Dates of 2024: 22-24 May 2024


Ever more systems of artificial intelligence – with apparent inescapability – are being established in ever more parts of our lives, cultures, and societies. They bring about justified concerns as well as governance efforts. In the EU, the upcoming AI Act stands out in this regard, aiming to introduce a common framework to govern artificial intelligence. As a first step, the increasing use of AI raises governance questions: for example, who should govern AI design and applications, or what may be governed by AI?

CPDP2024 puts accelerating complexity of AI at the centre stage, with the underlying question: Is AI governable?

The conference gathers a wealth of expertise in the fields of data protection and privacy, as well as politics and technology. Can experiences and existing work in the fields of data protection and privacy help us to understand and facilitate the governance of AI? To avoid making similar mistakes, how can we learn from known challenges and continuing struggles in implementing the GDPR? How can co-operation between different supervisory or regulatory authorities and different technological, research and civic domains be established for the governance of AI in all its diverse facets? How does the meaning, shape and practice of governance change when it faces Artificial Intelligence/Complexity? Who is excluded or sidelined by the complexity of Artificial Intelligence and its governance, or lack thereof?

During the conference, we approach these questions critically from different perspectives and deliberate on what the future may bring for cohabitation with incredible intelligences in our digital societies. Such reflections require multi-disciplinary conversations on societal, legal, ethical, and technical dynamics and norms that underpin the development of new socio-technical systems and the rules that govern their use.

We encourage panels that are well-balanced, multidisciplinary, geographically and gender diverse. We also welcome different types of sessions such as debates, roundtables, workshops, and other non-conventional formats. More information about rules for panel composition and submission can be found below.

We kindly ask that all interested partners carefully read and adhere to the panel composition rules below. The CPDP Programming Committee reserves the right to propose changes to panel submissions as a condition for acceptance, or to decline the submission altogether should it continue to not adhere to the rules below.

We particularly seek panel proposals addressing the following important topics:

  • What practical lessons can be learned from existing regulation of data processing and product safety activities?
  • Are New Governance and co-regulation the only practical ways forward for AI governance?
  • How can the normalisation of symbolic compliance over substantive considerations be countered?
  • Beyond transparency and accountability, is there a role for AI justice?
  • How to engage critically with data scraping and laundering for AI purposes?
  • Can norms and governance of transnational AI systems be globalised?
  • What lessons for AI governance are learned from procedural differences in GDPR enforcement in different Member States?
  • How to gain political momentum for ratification of the Convention 108+?
  • Is AI ‘sustainable’, and what is meant by ‘sustainability?
  • What new AI approaches and use cases are emerging?
  • How should understandability, transparency, and liability work in complex data environments?
  • What actors, strategies, and networks are involved in AI-related norms and values?
  • How useful are sandboxes, synthetic data, personal data vaults, and other practical/technical approaches?
  • How can fast-paced innovations, such as virtual embodiment and voice-cloning, be regulated?
  • How does participation of citizens, civil society and journalists in data protection and AI regulation relate to the role of experts and academic specialists?
  • What does the changing landscape of international data flows look like?
  • How can the role and content of human dignity be brought to bear in data law and beyond?
  • What if AI applications are not acceptable to the wider public, even though they are compliant with all relevant laws?
  • How are AI and the reuse of data implemented in the health sector?
  • What lessons can be learned from (automated decision-making under) the Law Enforcement Directive and the Data Protection regulation for EU bodies for AI governance?
  • Does the AI Act pay sufficient attention to concerns about facial recognition and in particular its effect on vulnerable groups?
  • Are our systems of representative democracy capable of coping with the advent of AI?
  • Is the legislative approach to understanding and regulating risk able to cope with AI?
  • What kinds of impact assessment are needed for AI, beyond data protection impact assessment?
  • What is the significance of the EU’s shifting European strategy for data with a view to AI?
  • What forms of societal stakeholder learning are needed to ensure effective regulatory learning for AI?

Submission Form

It started in 2007

For CPDP2024, we have further adapted and clarified the rules on panel submission and composition to ensure fair representation and open discussion in an atmosphere of mutual respect.


We kindly ask that all interested partners carefully read and adhere to the panel composition rules below. The CPDP Programming Committee reserves the right to propose changes to panel submissions as a condition for acceptance, or to decline the submission altogether should it continue to not adhere to the rules below.

If the rules above are not adhered to, the CPDP Programming Committee reserves the right to step in and address any issues, or decline the panel submission. For any questions or clarifications, please reach out to us at

THE CALL FOR PANELS IS CLOSED FOR 2024. Please check our contribution or sponsorship page for other opportunities!

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