Previous editions of CPDP &
Recorded panels

Platinum Sponsors are the top-level financial supporters of the CPDP Conference and its related side events

17TH EDITION • 22 - 24 MAY 2024 2024, at its new venue, had the honour to welcome 1.367 guests, with people from 50 different nationalities. We programmed 89 panels, 42 workshops, 2 movie projections, 8 book club sessions and 2 artist keynotes. Permanent on view were partner booths, the curated book shop (by De Groene Waterman), an exhibtion about elections (In-Holland/Tactical Tech),  an exhibtion about e-waste and nature in the post-anthropcene (Sabrina Raté), an audiowalk (geo-located at Tour & Taxis by artist Rebekka Jochem). We even got a visit from the fashion police, a squad of drones scanning the crowd for violations (artist performance by Ahnjili ZhuParris).

If you made it to the opening night, you witnessed the flaming artist keynote by Vladan Joler. We had the honor of working with him as the artist who created the 2024 cover art

For those of you who could not make it to, we filmed most of the sessions with the explicit permission of the panelisits and posted them on our YouTube-channel.

1st EDITION • 25 January 2024

The first edition of the CPDP Data Protection Day was a success. For us, it was an occasion to go back to the old traditions and to bring back a memorable day with an event to celebrate Data Protection Day, with a new formula co-organised by CPDP Conference, EPDS and Council of Europe.We would like to extend our deepest gratitude to you for making this event truly special! Your active engagement during panels and speeches made a significant impact.

  • This edition featured 9 panel sessions, and an additional Book Club with overall 600 attendees.
  • An overwhelming amount of 900+ participants registered for this event.
  • For those who could not make it to the CPDP Data Protection Day or were on the waiting list, we took some pictures with the explicit permission of the participants which you can see below.
16TH EDITION • 24 - 26 MAY 2023

CPDP2023 was a success, building on the momentum of the previous year's event. Once again held in Brussels, the conference managed to bring together an even larger and more diverse community. We want to extend our thanks to our existing community and all the new faces that joined us for the first time this year.

  • This edition featured 90 panel sessions, and an additional 25 workshop sessions with overall 450+ international speakers representing academia, public and private sectors, and civil society. 60% of the participating speakers had not been on a CPDP stage before.
  • Over 1.400 participants registered for CPDP2023 and contributed to the richness of discussions and perspectives shared throughout the event.
  • In addition to the workshop and panel sessions CPDP2023 welcomed artists and authors in the Media Village to present their work and hold talks during the lunch breaks to engage, network, and gain new insights beyond the general program.

For those of you who could not make it to CPDP2023, we filmed most of the sessions with the explicit permission of the panelisits and posted them on our YouTube-channel. You can find the press coverage on our press page.

Buy the book: Hideyuki Matsumi, Dara Hallinan, Diana Dimitrova, Eleni Kosta and Paul De Hert, Data Protection and Privacy, Volume 16: Ideas That Drive Our Digital World, Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2024.

15TH EDITION • 23 - 25 MAY 2022

For CPDP2022, we were delighted to be able to welcome the community once again in Brussels! So many people have contributed in so many ways to make this a memorable edition and we would like to extend a huge thanks to everyone who helped us achieve this. Some key figures:

  • CPDP2022 offered 92 panel sessions with + 450 international speakers from academia, public and private sectors and civil society
  • The conference was attended by over 1400 attendees from 40 countries
  • Besides the general programme, CPDP2022 also offered several workshops, meet-ups, lectures, exhibitions and a book store

For those of you who could not make it to CPDP2022, we filmed most of the sessions with the explicit permission of the panelisits and posted them on our YouTube-channel. You can find the press coverage on our press page.

Buy the book: Hideyuki Matsumi, Dara Hallinan, Diana Dimitrova, Eleni Kosta and Paul De Hert, Data Protection and Privacy, Volume 15: In Transitional Times, Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2023.

14TH EDITION • 27 - 29 JAN 2021

The 14th edition of the international conference Computers, Privacy and Data Protection - CPDP2021, which took place last week, was a great success! Although we couldn’t welcome you physically in Brussels, we were delighted to welcome so many of you online and we hope you enjoyed exploring the virtual world of CPDP! So many people have contributed in so many ways to make this a memorable edition and we would like to extend a huge thanks to everyone who helped us achieve this. Some key figures:

  • CPDP2021 offered 85 panel sessions with + 500 international speakers from academia, public and private sectors and civil society
  • The conference was attended by over 1300 attendees from 28 countries and 70% of the attendees coming from outside of Belgium
  • Besides the general programme, CPDP2021 also offered several side events such as exhibitions, round tables, artist talks and wrap-up sessions
  • The social event platform of CPDP2021 in Gather Town was visited by 1504 unique visitors! Missed it? You can still visit the exhibitions here.  

For those of you who could not make it to CPDP2021, we filmed most of the sessions with the explicit permission of the panelisits and posted them on our YouTube-channel. You can find the press coverage on our press page.

Buy the book: Dara Hallinan, Ronald Leenes, Paul de Hert, Data Protection and Privacy, Volume 14, Enforcing Rights in a Changing World, Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2021.

13TH EDITION • 22 - 24 JAN 2020

CPDP2020 offered 84 panel sessions with 400+ international speakers from academia, public and private sectors and civil society. CPDP2020 received 1401 registrations in total! The conference was attended by over 1300 attendees from 57 countries and over 70% of the attendees coming from outside of Belgium. Besides the general programme, CPDP2020 also offered several side events such as the exhibition 'Mensch Maschine' at Botanique, live radio broadcasts, open debates, workshops, PechaKucha performances, and artist talks.

Our conference website was again a big hit, with a personal page for every speaker and a page for each panel. We don't measure nor monitor traffic anymore, but we know you visited our site a lot! For those of you who could not make it to CPDP2020, we filmed most of the sessions with the explicit permission of the panelisits and posted them on our YouTube-channel. You can find the press coverage on our press page.

Buy the book: Dara Hallinan, Ronald Leenes, Paul de Hert, Data Protection and Privacy, Vol. 13, Data Protection and Artificial Intelligence, Oxford : Hart Publishing, 2021.

12TH EDITION • 30 JAN - 1 FEB 2019

CPDP2019 offered 90 panel sessions with 440 international speakers from academia, public and private sectors and civil society. CPDP2019 received 1289 registrations in total! The conference was attended by over 1100 attendees from 60 countries and over 70% of the attendees coming from outside of Belgium. Besides the general programme, CPDP2019 also offered several side events such as open debates, workshops, PechaKucha performances, and artist talks.

Our conference website was renewed this year and grew into a stunning 500+ pages at the time of the conference, with a personal page for every speaker and a page for each panel. We don't measure nor monitor traffic anymore. For those of you who could not make it to CPDP2019, we filmed most of the sessions with the explicit permission of the panelisits and posted them to our YouTube-channel.

Buy the book: Dara Hallinan, Ronald Leenes, Serge Gutwirth, Paul De Hert, Data Protection and Privacy, Vol. 12, Data Protection and Democracy, Oxford : Hart Publishing, 2020.

11TH EDITION • 24 25 26 JANUARY 2018

CPDP2018 offered 85 panel sessions with 420 international speakers from academia, public and private sectors and civil society. CPDP2018 received 1110 registrations in total! The conference was attended by over 1000 attendees from 55 countries and over 70% of the attendees coming from outside of Belgium. Besides the general programme, CPDP2018 also offered several side events such as open debates, workshops, PechaKucha performances, and art exhibitions.

Our conference website was visited 13.646 times (up from 11.125), by 7.430 unique visitors who read a stunning 47.707 pages (up from 33.427). Our busiest day was Wednesday 27 January, when we had 1.563 visitors exactly (a new all-time record +36%). Thank you for all that attention! Youtube: for those of you who missed them, we have uploaded videos of many panels to our YouTube-channel.

Buy the book: Ronald Leenes, Rosamunde van Brakel, Serge Gutwirth, Paul De Hert, Data Protection and Privacy, Vol. 11, The Internet of Bodies, Oxford : Hart Publishing, 2018.

10TH EDITION • 25 26 27 JANUARY 2017

A huge thanks to our partners, sponsors, participants and everyone that helped make our 10th edition a memorable one. CPDP2017 received 1024 registrations! The three-day conference offered participants 78 panels and, workshops and special sessions with 383 speakers from academia, public and private sectors and civil society.

Our conference website was visited 15.266 times (+12%), by 7937 unique visitors (+7%) who read a stunning 55981 pages (+17%) in january. Our busiest day was Wednesday 25 January, when we had 1563 sessions - in fact we counted already 9 days with more than 750 visits! Youtube: for those of you who missed them, we have uploaded videos of many panels to our YouTube-channel.

Buy the book Leenes, R., Van Brakel, R., Gutwirth, S. And P. De Hert,  Data Protection and Privacy: The Age of Intelligent Machines, Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2017.

9TH EDITION • 27 28 29 JANUARY 2016

CPDP2016 received 929 registrations! The 3 day conference offered participants 80 panels and, workshops and special sessions with 343 speakers from academia, public and private sectors and civil society, from 44 different countries.

Our conference website was visited 13.646 times (up from 11.125), by 7.430 unique visitors who read a stunning 47.707 pages (up from 33.427). Our busiest day was Wednesday 27 January, when we had 1.563 visitors exactly (a new all-time record +36%). Moreover we dominated (briefly) on Twitter: we reached #2 trending spot in Belgium and #31 trending spot in the US on Wednesday. Thank you for all that attention! Youtube: for those of you who missed them, we have uploaded videos of many panels to our YouTube-channel.

Buy the book Leenes R., Van Brakel R., Gutwirth, S., and P. De Hert, Computers, Privacy and Data Protection: Invisibilities & Infrastructures. Dordrecht: Springer, 2017

8TH EDITION • 21 22 23 JANUARY 2015

The 8th edition of the international conference Computers, Privacy and Data Protection 2015 was a great success! It was a memorable edition and we would like to thank everyone who came and contributed to this edition. CPDP2015 received over a 1000 registrations! The 3 day conference offered participants 70 panels and, workshops and special sessions with 415 speakers from academia, public and private sectors and civil society.

Our conference website was visited 12345 times (+11%), by 6793 unique visitors (+5%) who read a stunning 46481 pages (+38%) last month (compared to last year). Our busiest day was Wednesday 21 January, when we counted 1353 sessions - again a 18% increase over last year's busiest day! Not only do our speakers come from 43 countries, also our site gets visitors from 136 different countries, making CPDP truly global! Youtube: for those of you who missed them, we have uploaded videos of many panels to our YouTube-channel.

Buy the book Gutwirth, S., Leenes R. and P. De Hert, Data Protection on the Move. Dordrecht: Springer, 2016

7TH EDITION • 22 23 24 JANUARY 2014

CPDP2014 welcomed 841 guests to the conference. Over 500 more people came to the free public events organized during the conference evenings. These events were also well attended by the regular conference participants who appreciated these more relaxed side events. The 3 day conference offered participants 60 panels and, workshops and special sessions with 343 speakers from academia, public and private sectors and civil society.

Our conference website was visited 11.125 times (+15%), by +10% unique visitors who read a stunning 33.427 pages (+34%) from 1 January till today. Our busiest day was Tuesday 21 January, when we had 1147 visitors exactly (a new record +20%) - in fact we counted already 12 days with more than 500 visitors! (figures of 28th January 2014) These figures and the output of the conference make us feel that we are responding to the mission of CPDP: “creating a platform animated by privacy stakeholders”. Youtube: for those of you who missed them, we have uploaded videos of many panels to our YouTube-channel.

Buy the book Gutwirth, S., Leenes, R. and P. De Hert, Reforming European Data Protection Law, Dordrecht: Springer, 2015

6TH EDITION • 23 24 25 JANUARY 2013

CPDP2013 welcomed 650 guests to the conference. Over 1200 more people came to the free public events organized during the conference evenings. These events were also well attended by the regular conference participants who appreciated these more relaxed side events. The 3 day conference offered participants 46 panels and workshops and special sessions with 237 speakers from academia, public and private sectors and civil society. New institutions, groups and partners made themselves indispensable in helping setting up panels (the Human Technology Lab from TU Berlin, IVIR from Amsterdam University, and many others). Both the Council of Europe and the Polish Permanent Representation to the European Union provided their collaboration.

Our conference website reached 6793 unique visitors (+15%) with 11.040 visits to consult 27.645 pages (+19%) for January alone. Our busiest day was Tuesday 22 January, when we had 954 visitors exactly (a new record; with peaks of 100 visits/ hour) - in fact all week long we recorded between 600 and 954 visits daily! These figures and the output of the conference make us feel that we are responding to the mission of CPDP: “creating a platform animated by privacy stakeholders”. Youtube: for those of you who missed them, we have uploaded videos of many panels to our YouTube-channel.

Buy the book Gutwirth, S., Leenes, R. and P. De Hert, Reloading Data Protection, Dordrecht: Springer, 2014

5TH EDITION • 25 26 27 JANUARY 2012

CPDP2012 welcomed 692 persons at the conference. Another 500 people were reached at the free public events organized during the conference evenings. These events were also well attended by the regular conference participants who appreciated these more relaxed side events. The 3 days conference offered participants 25 panels and several workshops and special sessions with 237 speakers from the academia, the public and private sectors, and the civil society. New institutions, groups and partners turned to us to help setting up panels (the Human Technology Lab from TU Berlin, IVIR from Amsterdam University, and many others). Both the Council of Europe and the Polish Permanent Representation to the European Union provided their collaboration.

Our conference website reached 5698 unique visitors with 9198 visits to consult 22381 pages. Our busiest day was Tuesday 24 January, when we had 750 visitors exactly (50% more than on our last year’s busiest day) and on Monday 24 January 2011 when we had 501 visitors.

Buy the book Gutwirth, S., Leenes, R., De Hert, P. and Y. Poullet, European Data Protection: Coming of Age Dordrecht: Springer, 2012

3RD EDITION • 29 & 30 JANUARY 2010

185 participants on the 29th of January 2010158 participants on the 30th of January 2010.

Our website registered about 2765 visitors between December 2009 and January 2010 and increased to 2899 visitors in February 2010 Very positive feedback from participants with an average score of 4/5.

Buy the book Gutwirth, S., Poullet, Y., De Hert, P. and R. Leenes eds. Computers, Privacy and Data Protection: an Element of Choice. Dordrecht: Springer, 2011