

Centre for Economic Policy Research (UK)

Dr Cristina Caffarra is an expert in competition economics who has led for several years the antitrust and regulatory team at Charles River Associates in Europe. She has directed economic analyses in multiple competition investigations on some of the landmark mergers and antitrust matters of the past 20 years, before the EC and many competition agencies across the globe and has provided expert economic evidence in multiple litigated cases before the courts. Dr. Caffarra is a recognized contributor to the global discussion on regulation of the digital economy, and has written extensively on the need to integrate competition enforcement and data protection. She regularly keynotes and participates to roundtables events on competition, regulation and digital policy. She has advised both corporate clients and government enforcers in multiple cases concerning digital companies, media, telecoms, and more. Dr. Caffarra is an Honorary Professor at University College London and Co-Director of the CEPR Competition Research Policy Network.



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AI and the Monopoly Threat
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Open Markets Institute/OMI (US)

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