Friday 26 May 2023
Area 42 Midi
Center for AI and Digital Policy (US)

Panel Description

As more AI national strategies emerge and more global frameworks are adopted, there appears to be an emerging consensus for the governance of AI. Key concepts, such as fairness, transparency, and accountability are now the pillars of modern AI policy. But additional issues, such as gender equity and sustainability are emerging, while some countries are still struggling with regulation for basic concepts. What is the path ahead? In this panel, we will explore these key topics:

• Where are we seeing commonality in AI policy frameworks? What are the core tenants for the governance of AI?
• What do we do with the countries that have yet to establish these base line principles?
• Do we anticipate a Brussels Effect following adoption of the EU AI Act?
• In the risk-based governance models, how do we ensure protection of fundamental rights?


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