Wednesday 24 May 2023
Grande Halle
Interpublic Group (US)

Panel Description

The Nielsen TV ratings system was born in 1950, facilitating not just knowing how many people watched a program, but also their demographics. The observational nature of the Internet took data driven marketing and advertising to a new and transformative level. The pushback has been data protection analysis that frames all data driven marketing and advertising is asymmetric in its power and manipulative in its effects. There is some truth to this, but persuasive sales also have its place. The push for sellers to find their market and do so efficiently will not disappear. The sense that observation-based selling is “surveillance capitalism” is also a given. Are there ways to reduce the friction between these two tectonic forces in a manner that services the full range of rights and interests? This will be explored as a dialog in this session:

• To examine the challenges that modern marketing and advertising poses to the privacy of individuals and how the GDPR and ePrivacy Directive address these challenges.
• To understand the implications of the GDPR and ePrivacy Directive for businesses that rely on modern marketing and advertising, including the requirement to obtain informed consent from individuals.
• Discuss best practices for businesses that rely on modern marketing and advertising to comply with the GDPR and ePrivacy Directive and how to meet the regulatory requirements without compromising the effectiveness of their advertising campaigns.
• Discuss conflation with other digital practices.
• Provide an opportunity for attendees to ask questions and engage in a dialogue wit the panelists.

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